Document View Elements
The way the information is presented in patent documents may vary due to the formal requirements of the different authorities and time periods. In TotalPatent One® , the document view allows you to view all the relevant information regarding a document, in a structured and standardized layout.
The document view has its own set of navigation and function buttons:
Title of the patent document.
Customize document view. | |
Patent document section reference icons. | |
Collapse/Expand sections. | |
Bibliographical information section. | |
The first image of the document in the image viewer. | |
Image export option. | |
Side-by-side view. | |
Customizing highlighting.
Select Language. | |
KWIC. | |
Download PDF. | |
Legal status of the patent document |
Header Icon | Description |
Click on the Customize publication option to customize your document view, so you will only see the information relevant to your research, or change the order of items. Your customization is stored by the application. You can also save your customized document view as a template, and use the saved views for different research goals. You can quickly switch between your saved templates, add a template name before saving, and store a maximum of 10 templates at a time. Unselected sections will be collapsed and placed in default order at the bottom of the document view if you check Display unselected sections in the settings. Otherwise, the unselected sections will be removed from the document view completely. Your saved document customization will apply to documents opened from the result list as well as documents opened in folders. The settings are kept in the system memory for each user, and can be changed at any time via the action button in the menu bar |
Go to the Bibliographic information section to see all relevant number, date, name and status information, and the full list of images that the document contains.
The status of a document can be:
If you click on a hyperlink under any item in the Bibliographic information section, a new search will be run searching for all documents related to that specific item:
Go to the Abstract section to see the abstract of the document. When translations are available the translated abstract is used marked by an orange border. You can choose to show the original language of publication via the User Preferences. |
Go to the Claims section to see all claims made by this document. As claims can be extensive, the number of displayed characters is limited. You can manually modify the percentage of the displayed claim texts. As claims can be extensive, the number of displayed characters is limited. You can manually modify the percentage of the displayed claim texts. When the claims section is larger this is indicated at the bottom showing you the percentage of the claims loaded. You can manually load more, just click on the Load more button until you reach 100%.When translations are available the translated claims are used marked by an orange border. You can choose to show the original language of publication via the User Preferences. |
Go to the Family section to see all family relations of the currently reviewed document. To open a related document click on the relevant document number. For each family, all priority claims are added to the table. The counters at the top of each column represent the number of family members for each family. You can easily review selected family members in results list mode. Select them from the Family section in the document view and click on the Display in a list option. This will open a new browser tab where the selected documents are presented with all the functionality of the results list. There is a limitation of 1000 documents that can be displayed in the family table, There are a number of actions available:
Go to the Description section to see the full description of the invention. As descriptions can be extensive, the number of displayed characters is limited. You can manually modify the percentage of the displayed description texts. When a document description is larger this is indicated at the bottom showing you the percentage of the description loaded. You can manually load more, just click on the Load more button until you reach 100%. When translations are available the translated description is used marked by an orange border. You can choose to show the original language of publication via the User Preferences |
Go to the Classifications section to see the classification numbers from all available classification systems (where applicable). |
Go to the Persons section to see all relevant (standardized and normalized) names, such as the Assignee(s), Inventor(s) and Legal representative(s). If you click on a name here, a new search is started providing you with all documents related to that name. |
Go to the Legal section to see the legal status, the history of ownership in a timeline, the designated states information, the payment status, and the (US) litigation information of the document. You can also see the post-issuance and INPADOC information of the document (if available) displayed on separate tabs under this section.
Go to the Litigation/Opposition section to see docket information from the
Click on the Load Courtlink® option to display relevant CourtLink® 1 . Click on the docket number:
2 . This opens the Courtlink based US litigation docket information in a new tab: Patents that have not been litigated in the US do not have CourtLink® For a quick overview of the related patents, we have added the Patents information section to the CourtLink® tab to list all patents asserted in the same litigation case. The Class and Subclass represent USPC classification codes, as provided by CourtLink® The value "1" for the Class and Subclass in the example above indicates that no USPC class is available. Due to the USPTO's switch to CPC, not all documents have a USPC class. You can print the CourtLink® litigation data from your browser. Make sure that the document view is set to full view, because this is how you can use the print function of your browser. |
Go to the Pharmaceuticals section to see Orange Book or SPC information, respectively (if available). Orange Book is a list of safe and effective drug products admitted to the US market by the United States Food and Drug Administration. Supplementary protection certificates (SPC) are an intellectual property right serving as an extension to a patent right, within the European Union. You can create a report of the Orange Book or SPC information from the currently viewed document in Excel, CSV, Word, or PDF format by clicking on the Create pharmaceuticals report. |
Go to the Citations section to see all cited documents including Non-patent literature. The related documents can be opened directly by selecting the Publication number. The related documents can also be saved in a work folder using the Copy to folder button. You can easily review selected citations of a document in results list mode. Select them from the Citations section in the document view and click on the Display in a list option. This will open a new browser tab where the selected documents are presented with all the functionality of the results list. Citations include the Non-patent literature section. If a non-patent literature document is available in Scopus® (Elsevier’s database of abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature), you can see the number of Scopus citations displayed in the Non-patent literature section of document view after each non-patent literature record. The Scopus® count shows how many times a non-patent literature Add AND NPSC:(exists()) to your query to filter for documents that have an external link to Scopus®. |
Go to the Similar documents section to see documents similar to the currently viewed one, based on title and abstract matches (not based on application numbers or family relations). The 10 most similar documents are displayed in the list. Family members are automatically excluded as these are already shown in the family section. To enhance performance the section is show on demand, meaning you will have to click the button: Load similar publications. You have the option to individually select the similar documents relevant to you, and choose from the following options: • create a report, |
The Expand/collapse all button allows you to expand all sections of the document view, or collapse them, and keep open only the preferred ones. In the halfsize side-by-side view, the entire section view menu is displayed as a drop-down list. |
Click on the Side-by-side view option to open the same document in two separate tabs to: 2 . Compare different language versions of the same document (original language vs. English translation) 3 . Compare different documents in the same patent family, or other referenced documents. 4 . Review the images and the text of a document in side-by-side view. All action buttons (except for Highlighting) are available on both tabs. Depending on your screen size, you might have to access these through the Expand/collapse all button: Exit the Side-by-side view option by closing one of the document view tabs. |
Click on the Highlighting option to add keywords that you wish to highlight in the displayed text. These keywords are independent of the search query keywords. |
Click on the Select language option to choose your document display language. |
Click on the Toggle keyword in context option to open the Keyword In Context view (KWIC). KWIC or keyword in context provides an alternative document view with a larger emphasis on the keywords in your search. Per document section (Title, Abstract, Claims, Description) the text is broken down into parts or lines. Each line contains the keyword(s) and the context where this keyword is found. This way you can quickly scan if the keyword is used in the right context for your research. |
Click on the Open PDF option to open the original PDF document (if available) on a new in-app tab. Find below the description for the PDF view functionalities: |
The Copy button allows you to copy the full text of a section to your clipboard. |
Click on the Maximize document option to open a document in full document view. |
Click on the Minimize document option to return to half-size view to see the document and your results list. |
Click on the Close document option to close the document view. |
Review document references without needing to go back to the main tab to open the next/previous document. You can easily navigate through the documents listed in a reference section (such as Family, Citations, CourtLink® or Similar documents) of different documents in just one tab by clicking the arrows representing next/previous. The icon between the arrows is different for each section.
You can see the inline images in the body of the document, along with the relating text. This way, you can more conveniently review documents, without the need to stop your workflow and refer to the image viewer at the top of the document view.