What is TechDiscovery?
What it is
How it can help you
How does TechDiscovery work?
How does TechDiscovery differ from Semantic Search?
What it is
TechDiscovery allows you to quickly get to the list of the most relevant patent families for your patent research or analysis and easily refine these if necessary. Skip the search part, and get straight to the data and analysis you require.
You can use either patent nu...
How to use TechDiscovery
What is TechDiscovery?
Image Walk Through
What is TechDiscovery?
TechDiscovery allows you to quickly get to the list of the most relevant families for your patent research or analysis and easily refine these if necessary. Skip the search part, and get straight to the data and analysis you require.
You can use either patent numbers / patent family numbers or text to begin a search. The text...
What information can be input to TechDiscovery?
What is a good input to TechDiscovery?
What is the impact of adding positives/negatives to the set?
Can I push in abstract/Can I push in claims to the search?
How many characters can I add into the box?
What is a good input to TechDiscovery?
This is dependant on your use case for the product. There are three types of information that can be input to TechDiscovery. Your search criteria is the ...
Do I need to define my search strategy for TechDiscovery?
Defining your search strategy for TechDiscovery
The more information that is input to your search, the more specific the returned similar patents will be, for instance if you input patent numbers and a few keywords, you'll not only retrieve the actual patents for reading and similar patents to these, you'll also retrieve patents based on the keywords that have been input. All retrieved patent...
Working with Similarity Scores in TechDiscovery
Will similarity scores be available in the list view?
Yes, the similarity score is available in the list view and the results can be sorted ascending or descending by that.
Similarity searching starts with vectorising every patent family in the universe (think of this like giving each patent family a unique fingerprint). Each patent family can then have its vector (fingerprint) compared aga...
What data can I review in TechDiscovery?
Cost Data
Exporting Information
Can I review Cost data in TechDiscovery?
Yes you can. Cost data is displayed when opening the Patent Family representative from your search results.
The Costs section presents the costs to maintain the protection in the jurisdictions that the patent has been applied for, at patent family level, displayed per authority.
You can then select to review all cost...