Use the PatentOptimizer™ Analytics feature to run an analytics profile for U.S. utility patents and PCT applications meeting your specific criteria (the cite list you've searched for, predetermined patent citations, or local documents you've imported). Once you click the Profile tab, you can interact with the subsequent filter (those across the top of the dialog box) and view (those across the bottom) tabs to refine what you're seeing, and then run a Report, Claim Chart, or Check Refs on your results.
You can launch the PatentOptimizer™ Analytics feature by clicking the Analytics button () on the (PatentOptimizer toolbar of Microsoft® Word, Microsoft® Edge, or Firefox.)
Common Buttons and UI Elements
The common buttons appear at the bottom of the dialog box.
Tip: You can combine at least 2 items in any category of information (e.g., People & Org > Assignee, or Inventor, or Legal Rep) to make the display less cluttered. To combine them, select at least 2 checkboxes, then right-click and select Combine Selected from the resulting menu. Then choose the label you want to use for these combined items and how long you want this substitution to remain in effect ("This Session Only" or "Permanent"). To undo the combination, click the Options subtab for Analytics, then either click the Remove All button to remove all combinations, or select one combination then click the Remove button to remove it.
Value | Description |
Select All | Click this button to select all of the items listed in the selection table at the bottom of the Profile tab. |
Clear All | Click this button to clear all of the check marks from the items listed in the view tabs at the bottom of the Profile tab. |
Report | Select Analytics Report to open the PatentOptimizer™ Analytics Reports dialog box, or select Pub/Doc Summary to open the PatentOptimizer™ Analytics Summary Report. Select the items that you want in the report, and select any filters to be used in creating your report in a new Microsoft® Excel or Microsoft Word window. |
Compare Docs | Click the button to go to the Compare Docs. Tip: A maximum of 6 documents can be compared. |
Claim Chart | Click to open the Claim Chart dialog box, then select which options you'd like to include in this report in a new Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word window. |
Check Refs | Click to open the Check References dialog box. Tip: If you haven’t selected any patents, then all patents will be analyzed. |
Close | Click to close this dialog box |
Help | Click to view help articles specific to this feature. |
Source tab
The source tab identifies sources for patent data to be analyzed. You can provide your own list of patents (with or without titles), specify a file folder for patents, or run a search based on criteria you enter.
The following image shows the Analytics dialog box displaying the Source tab before a search has been run.
Once you enter the values you want to search on and click the Run Analytics Profile button, the Patents that match your search criteria are displayed.
The following image shows the Analytics dialog box displaying the Source tab after a search has been run.
The following image shows the Analytics dialog box displaying the Source tab after a Parts search has been run.
Value | Description |
My Documents tab | This tab allows you to import up to 1,000 Microsoft® Word documents to be analyzed. |
Import | Click to Browse for a folder that contains the patents you'd like to analyze, then click OK to complete the import. Tip: Once you have imported the documents, you can select and delete individual documents before you click the Run Analytics Profile button |
Clear | Click to remove all items from the Patents list. |
Open | Click to retrieve a list of sources you've previously saved. |
Save | Click to save the either sources listed or the analytics session, so you can open them and work with them again later. Tip: Opening a saved analytics session processes much more quickly than the initial load. |
Search tab | This tab allows you to enter search criteria to find patents whose profiles you want to view. |
Clear | Click to remove all items from the Patents list. |
Open | Click to retrieve a list of sources you've previously saved. |
Save | Click to save the either sources listed or the analytics session, so you can open them and work with them again later. Tip: Opening a saved analytics session processes much more quickly than the initial load. |
Search | Click to search for patents that meet all of the criteria you've entered. |
Clear | Click to clear all of the criteria you've entered. |
Parts | Click to expand the Parts search options, which are: Part - Enter the part name here, such as cell phone or bicycle wheel Tip: Parts text within quotes will return exact matches. Parts text without quotes will identify parts where the term or phrase you search for is part of the part. For example, "cell phone" brings up cell phone only; cell phone brings up cell phone, cell phone antenna, wireless cell phone, etc.).
Max Docs | Select a value from the drop-down list. The fewer documents you analyze, the faster the analysis will be run. Choosing a larger number may result in an error message being displayed when you click the Run Analytics Profile button to warn you that some items may not be shown in the results. |
Doc Type | Select a value from the drop-down list:
Authority | Select one or more of these options:
Class | Enter the main U.S. patent classification number in this box to limit the range of your search to a particular class/subclass of patents. Tip: Identify subclass with a # sign. 229#112 |
USPC / IPC / CPC | Choose the type of Patent Classification you want to find, where USPC is United States Patent Classification, IPC is International Patent Classification, and CPC is Cooperative Classification. Tip: Identify subclass with a # sign. B65D 043#14 |
Assignee | Enter a person or company name for the assignee at issue. |
Legal Rep | Enter the name of the legal representative (individual or company name). |
Inventor | Enter the name of an inventor. |
Ref Cited | Enter the citing reference you want to find. |
Date Range | Select a predefined date restriction from this drop-down list:
Date From | Select the option for From date, then choose the date you want to use by either:
Date To | Select the option for From date, then choose the To date you want to use by either:
Run Analytics Profile |
Click to analyze the displayed Patents. Options available from the drop-down list are:
Important: The analysis takes about 1 second per patent. |
Cancel | Click to cancel a Run Analytics Profile command. |
Patents | Lists the patents you entered, that were found when you clicked the Search button on the Search tab, or that you Imported on the My Documents tab. Tip: When you enter patent numbers directly into this box, they must be entered on separate lines to be correctly detected by the tool. Important: Review the patent citations listed in this box, then select and delete any items you do not want to include in your analysis. |
Summary | Reflects totals and averages of the analyzed data:
Profile Tab
The profile tab contains the patent analysis results.
The following image shows the Analytics dialog box displaying the Profile tab.
Value | Description |
Rerun Profile | Click this to process All Fields if they have either:
Clear All | Click this to clear all selections made across all of the Profile filter tabs. |
Filter Tabs
The filter tabs across the top are joined together with Boolean AND logic; within each filter, selections are ordered. All hits are identified with total counts, in rank order (highest to lowest). Selecting a value results in filtering of data in the bottom half of the display. The filter data not contained in an answer set in the filter tabs is grayed out.
Tip: To apply "AND" logic within each filter tab as well as across filter tabs, select the Apply "AND" Logic checkbox in the Options filter tab.
For example, selecting options from the different filters across the top treats each additional selection as a Boolean AND.
New! Right-click in the parts, elements, terms, or phrases filters to add information from those filters to the Archived Terms section of the Auto Text feature.
Auto sorting now takes place after you select a checkbox. That is, when you select a checkbox from anywhere in the list, it automatically moves to the top of the list.
Selecting multiple checkboxes within a single filter treats each additional selection as a Boolean OR.
Value | Description |
People & Org | Displays checkboxes and Count [Cnt] columns as applicable for the patents being analyzed. For example:
Class & Date | Displays checkboxes and Count [Cnt] columns as applicable for the patents being analyzed. Tip: If you rest your pointer over a value in the US Class column, the description for that class (and subclass) will be displayed. To control whether both the class and subclass or just the class is displayed, click the Options tab and select your desired display option under US Class Display.
Specification | Displays checkboxes and Count [Cnt] columns as applicable for the patents being analyzed. For example:
Claim Elements |
Displays checkboxes and Count [Cnt] columns for aggregate claim elements across all of the profiled documents. For example:
Tip: If you select a Claim Element that has Variants, the table to the right lets you select any Element Variants you wish.
o All Claims - identifies documents when selected elements appear anywhere in the claim set |
Definitions | Displays checkboxes and Count [Cnt] columns for Term and Definition columns. The Definitions provided here are mined from express glossaries contained in various patents. These glossaries typically have a heading (such as GLOSSARY :) followed by a series of terms with definitions. Auto-Sort Filters - automatically sorts results, placing the most relevant results at the top of the list |
Thesaurus |
Displays checkboxes and Count [Cnt] columns as derived from parts data located in your selected patent portfolio. For example:
Tip: If you select a Term/Phrase that has Variants, the table to the right lets you select any Term/Phrase Variants you wish.
Thesaurus items are determined by identifying parts having name variants for the same part number as across multiple patents. |
Selection Summary |
Displays summary checkboxes for viewing selections and overriding individual filters. For example:
When you select or clear one or more of the Sel checkboxes, a dialog box appears when you try to leave this tab, asking you if you want to "Update filters with selection changes?". Click Yes to save the changes you've made. |
Options |
Select from the following options, as desired:
Caution: The changes you make will be reflected in your next session - not in the current Profile results
View Tabs
The view tabs show the results you get once you have applied filters using the filter tabs at the top of the dialog box.
Select one or more checkboxes in the view tabs that you want to run a Report, Claim Chart, or Check References on.
Value | Description |
Cite |
Select one or more items based on the columns displayed:
The documents displayed are subject to your selections in the filter tabs. |
Examination Data | Select one or more items based on:
Claims | Select one or more publication numbers, then use the Claim Tree and Claim Text boxes to the right to navigate and view the associated claim hierarchy and text. |
Full Text | Select one or more publication numbers, then use the box to the right to review the full plain text for your selections. Tip: To quickly scan the text for references to parts, click the right or left arrow buttons, along the top of the pane. |
Abstract | Select one or more publications or documents, then use the box to the right to review their abstracts. See the associated image in the Example section below. |
Images |
See the associated image in the Example section below.
o US documents have thumbnail and drawing sheets available
Visualization |
Provides a graphical representation of your results. You can choose options from these drop-down lists:
See the associated image in the Example section below. |
Abstracts tab:
Visualizations tab:
The following represents the Images options.