New PatentSight+ Feature: Quick Insights
You can now discover insights effortlessly by defining a simple search query and letting Patentsight suggest charts tailored to your search results.
Use the left input field to search for owners, technology clusters, or UN SDGs. Then, use the right input field to select charts or tables for your analysis.
New PatentSight+ Data: Litigation and Related Materials
Search for Patent Families With Litigation and Related Materials
Use the new search field “Litigation and Related Materials (Yes/No)” to find patent families that have related litigation or agency/board materials in the US.
Review of Litigation and Related Materials in the Result List
In the Family Viewer of the Result List, you can now access a new card with key litigation information: the patent at issue, case name, court, case status (open/closed), and date. As far as available, you can also download the cases as PDFs.
New PatentSight+ Data: Standard Essential Patent Declaration Data
Conduct SEP searches across various technologies or integrate your patent analysis with SEP insights for a holistic view. Curated and clean data from IPlytics offers SEP data beyond publicly available data sources
Note that the search fields “Technology Generation” and “Technology Standard” are only available in combination with an IPlytics license. Please contact LexisNexis if you would like to discuss access to these two SEP search fields.
New PatentSight+ Feature: Improved Sheet Navigation and Management Capabilities
Enhanced Sheet Navigation
You can now access an overview of all the sheets in your workbook by clicking on the workbook name. The check mark icon indicates the sheet that is currently active. To quickly move to another sheet, click on the desired sheet name in the sheet navigation panel.
Centralized Sheet Management Click the “Manage Sheets” option at the top of the sheet navigation panel to open the sheet management panel. Here you can efficiently manage the sheets in your workbook. You can add, delete, rename, duplicate, access, reorder (drag and drop), and search for sheets. Press and hold the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple sheets for bulk deletion or reordering
Improved Scrolling Through Sheet Tabs
For smooth horizontal scrolling through the sheet tabs, press and hold the Shift key and use the scroll wheel of your mouse or two fingers on your trackpad.
PatentSight+ Improvement: Easier Access Rights Management for Cipher Classifiers
This improvement simplifies access rights managements for Cipher classifiers in PatentSight. If you are an administrator or hold the “Admin” right for the custom field “Cipher Classifier”, you can now easily share it with other users in your account using its “Sharing Settings.”