What is the Citations Export report, how to generate it and how to interpret it
What is the Citations export report?
The Citation export report provides an analysis based on the forward and backwards citations related to a patent (family). Additional Citation analytics are available in all Cipher reports and they can be accessed from the side menu.
Benefits and example use case scenarios
Identify popular or foundational patents as one signal of quality
Licensing opportunities
Identify which patents to prioritise for further analysis
How to generate the Citations export report
1. Click 'Start' to create a new report
2. Using the organisation search, boolean search or patent upload functionality, add portfolios into the report
3. When you're happy with your selection, click 'done'. From here you can name your report and select clustering
4. After running the report, click the 'download' icon in the top left hand corner of your report (below). Then click the 'Citations' option to begin your excel download.
How to interpret the Citations export report
The report is an Excel download containing 3 main tabs:
Summary Tab:
- Back cited family by owner – looks at the top cited owners and the number of citations
- Forward citing families by owner - – looks at the top citing owners and the number of citations
- Forward citations by age – Looks at the citation count and the number of years since priority date (older patents have accrued a higher number; if younger patents are counting higher than average it could be an indicator of value)
Family Tab:
This tab provides you with key details of the patent families such as members, citations count, who it cites and who it is being cited by.
This tab provides you with key details an the owners such as the total numbers of families owned and the total backward and forward citations.
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