
  • Normalization (NORM)
    In order to provide comparability of different patent portfolios, all indicators are normalized by averages of patent control groups of the same patent office, same IPC/CPC class and the same publication year. A patent from 2010 filed in the US with the IPC/CPC H04W that e.g. receives 6 foreword citations is compared to the average forward citation counts of all US/2010/H04W patents. If the for...
  • Team Size (TE)
    The TE (Team Size) indicator is calculated by counting the number of inventors that are listed on a patent.Finally, counts are normalized by year, country of jurisdiction and main IPC/CPC. /High/A high TE value reflects that the patent portfolio was developed by larger research groups. The indicator helps to benchmark research activities e.g. in connection to R&D spending of other market p...
  • Cooperation (CO)
    The CO (Cooperation) indicator is calculated by counting the number of legally independent patent coassignees. Subsidiary cooperation are not counted. Finally, counts are normalized by year, country ofjurisdiction and main IPC/CPC. /High/A high CO value reflects a tendency to developtechnologies in cooperation with other companies.IPlytics makes use of corporate tree information to rule out...
  • Patent Scope (SC)
    The SC (Scope) indicator is calculated by counting the number of distinct main IPC/CPC classes (4 digits) apatent has been classified to, by the examiner. Finally, counts are normalized by year, country of jurisdiction and main IPC/CPC. /High/A high SC value reflects a wide technologicalapplicability of the patent. Patent portfoliosclassified in several main IPC/CPC classes can be interpret...
  • Legal Breadth (LB)
    The LB (Legal Breadth) indicator is calculated by counting the number of words used in the shortestindependent claim. Adding more words to a patent claim decreases its scope of potential application andthus the legal breadth of a claim. Finally, counts are normalized by year, country of jurisdiction and mainIPC/CPC. /High/A high LB value (small number of words used inthe shortest claim) indi...
  • Radicalness (RA)
    The RA (Radicalness) indicator is calculated by counting the number of patent citations a patent has to cite as prior art (backward citations) taking into account whether a cited patent has cited frequently itself (cited backward citations). Finally, counts are normalized by year, country of jurisdiction and main IPC/CPC. /High/A high RA value indicates a high degree of novelty in a certain...
  • Market Coverage (MC)
    The MC (Market Coverage) indicator is calculated by counting the number of countries the patent has been filed for (jurisdiction), weighted by the country’s GDP. Finally, counts are normalized by year, country of jurisdiction and main IPC/CPC. /High/ /Low/ A high MC value reflects a globalinternationalization strategy and a wide legal market protection. Furthermore, a high MC value refle...
  • Technical Relevance (TR)
    The TR (Technical Relevance) indicator is calculated by counting the number of prior art citations that apatent receives (forward citations). Citations are counted as citing families. Self-citations as well assubsidiary citations are not counted. Finally, counts are normalized by year, country of jurisdiction and main IPC/CPC. /High/ /Low/ A high TR value reflects a high technical relevan...