Data Harmonization and Ownership Information
The Ultimate Owner Concept
Subsidiaries of an Ultimate Owner
Owner "<Unknown>"
Appendices of Owner Names: "(in:...)" and "(w/o...)"
Owner Type
PatentSight conducts a harmonization process to increase the accuracy of owner-related analyses. The process entails manual data verification to define the current owner of each patent family. Further...
Legal Status
How We Calculate Legal Status
Different Types of Legal Status
How the Legal Status is linked to the Reporting Date
Measures Utilizing Legal Status
Legal status is a crucial aspect of patent analysis, as it provides insights into the current state of a patent and its enforceability. In PatentSight, we calculate and display legal status information to help you make informed decisions about pate...
Sheet Navigation and Management
Enhanced Sheet Navigation
Centralized Sheet Management
Improved scrolling through sheet tabs
Enhanced Sheet Navigation
You can now click the arrow next to the workbook name to see an overview of all the sheets in the workbook, including an indication of the currently active sheet. Clicking on a sheet name in the sheet navigation panel helps you move to that sheet quickly.
Centralized Sheet Man...