Sign In, Sign Out
1 . Visit the LexisNexis TotalPatent One® page.
2 . Enter your user ID and password.
3 . Use the checkbox Remember me to create a token that is stored to grant you access for a period of 14 days. After this period, you will have to sign in again.
Note: This method is considered more secure than storing your user ID and password in your browser history. When requested, accept TotalPatent One® cookies that will be stored on your machine to allow for access. Alternatively, when you sign in for the first time, your browser offers to save your login information, and when you accept it, your login details will be stored in the browser instead.
4 . Click Sign In.
Sign Out
Click on your username (Preferences) in the menu bar, and select the Sign out option from the drop-down list. |
Change Sign-in Profile
The TotalPatent One® sign-in page contains help files to provide assistance to users already at this stage.
You can change your sign-in profile here, as well. To change it, select Update my sign-in profile from the help menu. When you are requested to sign in to get access to the file, enter your user name and password and select Sign In.
Change Your User ID
To change the default user ID that was assigned to you when you registered as a user of TotalPatent One, select the option Change ID. Enter your new ID twice. The following rules are applicable to ID creation:
- The new ID must contain 8 to 50 characters.
- The new ID may not contain spaces.
- The new ID may contain the following special characters: ! $ & ' - ? ^ _ ` { } ~ . @
Select Save to finalize the change and reload the product.
Change Your Password
To change the password that was assigned to you when you registered as a user of TotalPatent One® , select the option Change password. Enter your new password twice. The following rules are applicable to password creation:
- The new password must contain 8 to 50 characters.
- The new password may not include your ID.
- The new password may not be equal to any of your 5 previous passwords.
- The new password must include at least one character from 3 of the following categories:
- Uppercase letters (A-Z)
- Lowercase letters (a-z)
- Numbers (0-9)
- Special characters: ! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~ . @
Select Save to finalize the change and reload the product.
Change User Profile
You can change the following profile items:
- First name
- Last name
- Security question (if you need a password reminder, you will be asked this question for validation)
- Answer to the security question
- Email address
You can update your language or time/date preferences under Preferences in TotalPatent One® .
Select Save to finalize the change and reload the product.
Menu Bar
The items of the menu bar (that you can find at the top of the page) point to all the different pages within the application. The menu bar is available from each page. The light blue marker indicates which page you are currently using.
To navigate within the application, click on the following menu bar items:
Search - Access the search page where you create your search query, check your results (a second tab opens), and view the documents (a third tab opens). | |
Folders - Access the folders page where you can create/delete and view your own user folders containing specified patent documents, created and stored for future reference. | |
Search history - Access the search history page where you can view your list of previously executed queries and saved searches, and rerun your previous searches. | |
Downloads - Access the downloads page where the documents selected for export are stored. | |
Alerts - Access the alert settings page where you can create and manage your alerts. Alters can be set to notify you when a change in the database occurs affecting a particular query or document folder, e.g. if new documents are added to a family, or existing documents are updated. | |
Preferences - Access and change your personal user preferences, and enter or change your Client ID when you want your search to be logged for billing purposes. You can sign out by selecting the Sign out option from the drop-down list here. | |
Assistance - Access the Page guide, the User Manual (in multiple languages), and other useful documents, as well as the Live chat support option. |
Client ID
As a patent researcher, you may want to log your user activities for billing purposes. TotalPatent One® supports connection to external billing software's. If you work for multiple clients, you can use different Client IDs to make sure that your activities are billed to the right client. Depending on the third-party billing system you are using, the relevant Client ID is added automatically when you log in, or alternatively, enter a Client ID manually.
You can also send invoices to your clients based on the time you spent conducting your research. Your user profile must have the time-based billing option enabled. The timer starts when you click the main search button until you log out, change the Client ID, or close the browser (refreshing the browser does not stop the timer).
Your currently active Client ID is displayed in the menu bar.
To enter or change your Client ID, click Preferences, and select Client ID.
User Preferences
You can set your user preferences (for results per page, publications/families search mode, dates/ languages) on the Preferences page, for the search and result pages of TotalPatent One®. This page also contains the release version number of the software.
Query and Results
On the Query and results tab of the User Preferences page, you can select the number of displayed results per page.
Results per page - Select the number of results displayed per page. The option All will show all your results in one page and allows infinite scrolling. Click SAVE AND CLOSE to apply your selection, and exit the User Preferences page. |
On the Family tab of the User Preferences page, you can choose to search individual documents or family members. Select from more specific family options, and rank your preferred authorities.
Search mode - You can choose to display all documents in a search or remove duplicates that are part of the family. Family to display - A family contains documents coming from multiple patent authorities that relate to the same invention. You can also select which family member you prefer to see in the family view. There are different family types: • Domestic • Main • Complete • Extended Each family type contains a different set of related documents. Select your preferred family type. See the Glossary for more information. Preferred representative family member - Choose to display the family member with the earliest or latest filing date. Preferred authority ranking - The database of TotalPatent One® contains information from a large number of patent authorities. You can select your preferred top 10 authorities. Duplicate documents from lower ranking authorities will be removed from your results list. You can move authorities up or down the list by using the drag-and-drop functionality. Click SAVE AND CLOSE to finalize your selection. |
If you choose family mode as your preferred search mode, the family members displayed in your result list will be influenced by the above settings. For example:
1 . All families that have a Japanese family member in their Extended family will display this document in the search result list, if JP is on top of the list of preferred authorities.
2 . All families that do not have a Japanese family member but do have a US family member in their Extended family will display this document in the search result list, if US is the second in the list of preferred authorities.
3 . All families that have more than one Japanese documents in their Extended family will display the one with the earliest filing date in the search result list.
Date & Languages
On the Date & Languages tab of the User Preferences page, you can select your preferred (user
interface, document display, and search) language and date format for the application.
User interface display language - Select the user interface language for the application. English (default), Chinese (simplified), Japanese, and Korean are supported. Document display language - Select your language of choice to display search results and documents. English (default), Chinese (simplified), Japanese, and Korean are supported (where applicable), and you can also select the Language of publication option to display the original publication language of the reviewed documents. Not all documents are fully available in each language. See the next paragraph for more information. Search language(s) - Select your search language of choice by ticking/unticking the boxes. English (default), Chinese (simplified), Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean, German, and French are supported. If you have multiple languages selected, the application will automatically use all of them. Click SAVE AND CLOSE to finalize your selection. Date format - Select your preferred date format. Date separator - Select your preferred separator. Display time - Select your preferred time display format. Click SAVE AND CLOSE to finalize your selection. |
PatentSight® Servers
If you have access to PatentSight, and/or use the Export to PatentSight® option at least once, you have PatentSight® servers, an additional tab under User Preferences, where you can set your preferred server setting.
Date and Number Format
TotalPatent One® uses the browser format settings to display date and number data. To change the locale, go to the browser settings, and switch to your preferred settings.
On the left, you can see the browser locale set to English (US) results in US English date and number formats. On the right, the browser locale is set to Japanese results in Japanese date and number formats.
Note: To change your browser's language, date and number settings, refer to the help pages
of your browser.
Document Display Language
The languages in which patent documents are published can vary depending on the rules set by the different patent authorities. Some authorities require documents to be fully available in multiple languages, while others only partially (e.g. only the title and the abstract). By default, TotalPatent One® displays all information in English in the following cases:
- If an officially published English version is available for a document or document part (title, abstract,
claims etc.), the application will display it. - If no officially published English version is available for a document or document part, the application provides the machine-translated English version for the languages machine-translated
by Lexis Nexis®. - If no officially published English version is available for a document or document part, the application provides information from an equivalent document or document part, if available, which was officially published (also) in English.
If none of the options above is available for a document, you can review it in its original language of publication in the results list and in the document view.
Official English Translation and Machine Translation
Most authorities publish patents originally in the official language of their country and partially or fully in English. If a document is only partially published in English (e.g. only the title and the abstract), for some of the languages TotalPatent One® applies machine translation to create a fully translated document in the document view. If machine translation is provided, it is indicated as "Machine translated" in the relevant section(s) in the document view.
Patent Equivalent Instead of Official English Translation
Patent equivalents, containing the same information based on their priority numbers. When a document
is not published in English we choose to display the equivalent text. An equivalent is defined as a document that has exactly the same priorities as another document. If equivalent document translation is provided, it is indicated in the relevant section(s) in the document view.
English Translation Not Available
For some documents in certain languages there is no (either full or partial) officially published English version, machine translation, or equivalent documents available, and you can view them only in their original language of publication.
Chinese, Japanese and Korean as Document Display Language
Under Preferences you can select Chinese, Japanese or Korean as your preferred document display language. The application will always show texts in the selected language if available. (The document display language is different and independent from the user interface display language.)
When you execute a search you can clearly see that the Result list shows all titles in Japanese. These titles are mainly the result of machine translation to Japanese, except for the documents coming directly from the JPO.
Japanese Publication Language and Machine Translation or Equivalent
Currently, we provide document equivalents or fully machine-translated documents only in English. English is also the default display language if the language you selected as preferred (e.g. Japanese) is not officially available. To Japanese, we provide machine translations for the title, abstract, and first claim of documents with an official English version or an English language equivalent.
Language of Publication as Document Display Language
Under Preferences, you can select the Language of publication option as your preferred document display language to ensure that the application always displays (already in your results list) documents in their original publication language.
When you open a document in the document view tab, you can set the language of display for the currently reviewed document independently of the selected display language under Preferences.
Page Guide
To help you explore the application, we provide context-sensitive help that we call Page guide. The page guide highlights points of interest on each page you visit. All of these are indicated by a blue dot, and the active message is indicated by a red dot. You can navigate through all points of interest or alternatively click on a blue dot to see the help text.
As the page guide is an overlay on top of the application, you have to close it by clicking on the Close page guide button in the top right corner, before you can continue using the application.
System notifications appear in TotalPatent One® if there is something that requires your attention. The messages are displayed in a bar at the top of your screen, and disappear after a few seconds. You can ensure that a message remains visible by moving your cursor over it.
You can see four types of (color-coded) system messages in TotalPatent One®:
INFO - Draws your attention to general information about the application, or gives you tips. | |
SUCCESS - Informs you if your requested action was successfully executed, e.g. saving a document to your folder. | |
WARNING - Informs you of a possible issue, e.g. if you initiate the deletion of your search query. | |
ERROR - Informs you of an existing error, e.g. if due to incorrect syntax, your query could not be executed. |