Portfolio Trends charts available in Cipher and how to interpret them
Ciphers Portfolio Trends Datasets
The Portfolio trends section has 15 datasets allowing a wide set of analysis. Simply click the trends section of your report dashboard to view all of the trends charts available in your report.
You can add any chart in cipher to a saved list of charts by selecting the tick in the top right of the chart icon as shown below. To save your chart selections for review later on, click the 'tick' icon in the top left of your report screen and select 'save'. For more information on saved charts, click here.
Cipher's Portfolio Trends data is broken down into datasets providing analysis of:
Active Families, by organisation and year
Active Families, by technology and year
Pending Families, by organisation and year
Pending Families, by technology and year
Granted Families, by organisation and year
Granted Families, by technology and year
Expired Families, by organisation and expiry year
Expired Families, by technology and expiry year
Active size-growth by organisation
Active size-growth by technology
Granted size-growth by organisation
Granted size-growth by technology
Families Published in the last 3 years, by organisation and technology
Families Granted in the last 3 years, by organisation and technology
Granted versus pending families, by year
Cipher's Portfolio Trend datasets Descriptions
The analysis you want to undertake, will determine the trends chart you select. Below is a description of each chart type to help to choose the relevant ones for your analysis:
Portfolio Trends Charts by year
Active Families, by organisation and year
This chart shows the number of patent families that are status granted or pending in each year, for each organisation in your report. Each pending family is counted each year it remains pending from priority year. Each granted family is counted each year it remains alive from its grant year. Patent families are only counted for the years they are active.
This chart is useful to understand year on year, how many active families each organisation has in their portfolio. Is their portfolio growing or reducing in size?
This chart is useful to see who is most active in the space, in a landscape report focusing on one technology for example. Alternatively, for multiple technology report, you can compare trends for organisations across individual technologies of your report using the technology filter in the top right of your report to focus on whether a specific technology is growing or reducing for each organisation.
Active Families, by technology and year
This chart shows the number of patent families that are status granted or pending in each year, for each technology in your report. Each pending family is counted each year it remains pending from priority year. Each granted family is counted each year it remains alive from its grant year. Patent families are only counted for the years they are active.
This chart is useful to understand year on year, how many active families there are in technology. Is this technology area growing or reducing in size?
If you're reviewing this chart in a multi-organisation report, you can use the organisation filter in the top right of your report to focus on whether a specific organisation's portfolio is growing or reducing for each technology.
Pending Families, by organisation and year
This chart shows the number of patent families that are status pending in each year, for each organisation in your report. A family is counted each year it remains pending from priority year. Patent families are only counted for the years they are active. Numbers are aggregated if multiple organisations are selected.
This chart is useful to understand year on year, how many pending families each organisation has in their portfolio. Is their pending portfolio growing or reducing in size? If pending families are growing, this tells you that an organisation is accelerating their filing rate. If pending families are static, then this is a constant. The portfolio may grow but not at the same rate. It is a useful chart to review the pipeline of applications to understand if the portfolio is growing or shrinking.
To compare trends for organisations across individual technologies of your report,
you can use the technology filter in the top right of your report to focus on whether pending families of a specific technology are growing or reducing for each organisation.
Pending Families, by technology and year
This chart shows the number of patent families that are status pending in each year, for each organisation in your report. A family is counted each year it remains pending from priority year. Patent families are only counted for the years they are active. Numbers are aggregated if multiple organisations are selected.
This chart is useful to understand year on year, how many pending families there are in technology. Are the pending families for each technology area growing or reducing in size? If pending families are growing, this tells you that filings are accelerating in that technology. If pending families are static, then this is a constant. The technology may grow but not at the same rate. It is a useful chart to review the pipeline of applications to understand if a technology area is growing or shrinking.
If you're reviewing this chart in a multi-organisation report, you can use the organisation filter in the top right of your report to focus on whether a specific organisation's pending portfolio is growing or reducing for each technology.
Granted Families, by organisation and year
This chart shows the number of patent families that are status granted in each year, for each technology in your report. A family is counted each year it remains alive from its grant year. Patent families are only counted for the years they are active.
This chart is useful to understand year on year, how many granted families each organisation has in their portfolio. You may refer to an organisation's 'granted estate' or 'issued patents' when reviewing this chart. Is their granted portfolio growing or reducing in size? When thinking about 'threats', only grants matter, or from a licensing perspective, this chart could provide direction on 'who should I license with?' or 'who should I grant a license to?'.
To compare trends for organisations across individual technologies of your report,
you can use the technology filter in the top right of your report to focus on whether granted families of a specific technology are growing or reducing for each organisation.
Granted Families, by technology and year
This chart shows the number of patent families that are status granted in each year, for each technology in your report. A family is counted each year it remains alive from its grant year. Patent families are only counted for the years they are active.
This chart is useful to understand year on year, how many granted families there are in each technology. Are the granted families for each technology area growing or reducing in size?
If you're reviewing this chart in a multi-organisation report, you can use the organisation filter in the top right of your report to focus on whether a specific organisation's pending portfolio is growing or reducing for each technology.
Expired Families, by organisation and expiry year
This chart shows the number of patent families that have historically expired in each year, for each organisation in your report. This includes expiry by age and non-payment.
This chart is useful to understand year on year, how many families have expired for each organisation. Is their expired portfolio increasing or reducing year on year? In what year did the assets expire?
To compare expiry trends for organisations across individual technologies of your report, you can use the technology filter in the top right of your report to focus on whether expired families of a specific technology are increasing or reducing for each organisation.
Expired Families, by technology and expiry year
This chart shows the number of patent families that have historically expired in each year, for each technology in your report. This includes expiry by age and non-payment.
This chart is useful to understand year on year, how many families have expired for each technology. Are the expired families for each technology area increasing or reducing? In what year did the assets expire?
If you're reviewing this chart in a multi-organisation report, you can use the organisation filter in the top right of your report to focus on whether a specific organisation's expired portfolio is increasing or reducing for each technology.
Granted versus Pending Families, by year
This chart shows the split between the number of granted and pending patent families per year. A pending family is counted each year it remains pending from priority year. A granted family is counted each year it remains alive from its grant year. Patent families are only counted for the years they are active. Numbers are aggregated if multiple organisations are selected.
This chart is useful to understand if each organisation is filing as many as they were, versus granted families. The pending aspect of this chart is giving an indication of future growth. The benefit of reviewing this chart, is that it tells you how quickly the portfolio has grown and the trajectory to growth.
You can also use the organisation or technology filters at the top right of your report to focus on specific organisations and/or technologies when reviewing the data of this chart.
Portfolio Trends Charts last three years
Families Published in the last 3 years, by organisation and technology
This charts shows the number of patent families published in the last 3 years (current and prior 2 calendar years). This is counted from the first publication date.
This chart is useful to compare each organisations families published over recent years, in each technology area.
You could also use the territory filter in the top right of your report to focus on families with members in the selected regions.
Families Granted in the last 3 years, by organisation and technology
This charts shows the number of patent families granted in the last 3 years (current and prior 2 calendar years). This is counted from the first grant date.
This chart is useful to compare each organisations granted families over recent years, in each technology area.
You can also use the territory filter in the top right of your report to focus on families with members in the selected regions.
Portfolio Trends Charts size growth
Active size-growth by organisation
This chart shows the active family (pending and granted) portfolio size growth over the selected time period for the organisations in your report. It also shows the share overall relative to all the organisations in your report for the most recent year.
This particular size growth chart shows the change in share of the number of both pending and granted patent families.
Change in 'percentage share over time' is reflected in rectangle colour. Red/pink shows a reduction in share compared to the other organisations in the report; green/light green shows an increase in share compared to the other organisations in the report. Hover over the square you're interested in, to see the:
percentage share and count of active families for that organisation for the start year, compared to all orgs in the report
percentage share and count of active families for that organisation for the end year, compared to all orgs in the report.
and the overall change over that period compared to the ownership of the peer group in your report.
Percentage share overall for most recent year, is reflected in rectangle area.
The share and change in share is calculated relative to all organisations of your report.
This chart answers questions such as 'are they large and static?', 'are they small and growing quickly?', or 'are they large and growing quickly?'.
Active size-growth by technology
This chart shows the active family (pending and granted) portfolio size growth over the selected time period for the technologies in your report. It also shows the share overall relative to all the technologies in your report for the most recent year. Numbers are aggregated if multiple organisations are selected.
This particular size growth chart shows the change in share of the number of both pending and granted patent families.
Change in 'percentage share over time' is reflected in rectangle colour. Red/pink shows a reduction in share compared to the other technologies in the report; green/light green shows an increase in share compared to the other technologies in the report. Hover over the square you're interested in, to see the:
percentage share and count of active families for that technology for the start year, compared to all orgs in the report
percentage share and count of active families for that technology for the end year, compared to all orgs in the report
and the overall change over that period compared to all technologies in your report.
Percentage share overall for most recent year, is reflected in rectangle area.
The share and change in share is calculated relative to all technologies of your report.
This chart answers questions such as 'Is the technology large and static?', 'Is the technology small and growing quickly?', or 'Is the technology large and growing quickly?'.
Granted size-growth by organisation
This chart shows the granted family portfolio size growth over the selected time period for the organisations in your report. It also shows the share overall relative to all the organisations in your report for the most recent year.
This particular size growth chart shows the change in share of the number of granted patent families.
Change in 'percentage share over time' is reflected in rectangle colour. Red/pink shows a reduction in share compared to the other organisations in the report; green/light green shows an increase in share compared to the other organisations in the report. Hover over the square you're interested in, to see the:
percentage share and count of granted families for that organisation for the start year, compared to all orgs in the report
percentage share and count of granted families for that organisation for the end year, compared to all orgs in the report
and the overall change over that period compared to the ownership of the peer group in your report.
Percentage share overall for most recent year, is reflected in rectangle area.
The share and change in share is calculated relative to all organisations of your report.
This chart answers questions such as 'Is their portfolio of granted families large and static?', 'Is their portfolio of granted families small and growing quickly?', or 'Is their portfolio of granted families large and growing quickly?'.
Granted size-growth by technology
This chart shows the granted family portfolio size growth over the selected time period for the technologies in your report. It also shows the share overall relative to all the technologies in your report for the most recent year. Numbers are aggregated if multiple organisations are selected.
This particular size growth chart shows the change in share of the number of granted patent families.
Change in 'percentage share over time' is reflected in rectangle colour. Red/pink shows a reduction in share compared to the other technologies in the report; green/light green shows an increase in share compared to the other technologies in the report. Hover over the square you're interested in, to see the:
percentage share and count of granted families for that technology for the start year, compared to all orgs in the report
percentage share and count of granted families for that technology for the end year, compared to all orgs in the report
and the overall change over that period compared to all technologies in your report.
Percentage share overall for most recent year, is reflected in rectangle area.
The share and change in share is calculated relative to all technologies of your report.
This chart answers questions such as 'Is the technology large and static?', 'Is the technology small and growing quickly?', or 'Is the technology large and growing quickly?'.
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