Portfolio Stat charts available in Cipher and how to interpret them
Ciphers Portfolio Stats Datasets
The portfolio stats section has 16 datasets allowing a wide set of analysis. Simply click the portfolio stats section of your report dashboard to view all of the portfolio stats charts available in your report.
You can add any chart in cipher to a saved list of charts by selecting the tick in the top right of the chart icon as shown below. To save your chart selections for review later on, click the 'tick' icon in the top left of your report screen and select 'save'. For more information on saved charts, click here.
Ciphers Portfolio Stats are broken down into datasets providing analysis of the data in your report by:
Patent Families of the report by Status (Granted / Expired etc.)
Patent Families of the report by CPC Code
Patent Families of the report by Primary CPC Code
Patent Families of the report by Full Primary CPC Code
Average Age at expiry; Average Age at grant
Average time to grant chart
Sum of Forwards & Backwards Citations charts
Granted territories distribution
Total publication count by org, by tech
The analysis you want to undertake, will determine the which chart is most useful to you. Below is a description of each chart type to help to choose the relevant ones for your analysis:
This chart is useful to understand the split of status for a particular technology or for a particular organisations portfolio. use the relevant organisation or technology filter in the top right of your report to make your selections. Remember that you can click into the data of this chart to review the families making up each status column.
Average age at Expiry, by Organisation and Technology
The dataset above shows the average age of patent families at expiry. The chart considers all families in the report that have expired within the last 10 years. The age is calculated from priority date to expiry date, including those that have expired because of age or non payment.
This chart potentially illustrates how determined each organisation is to maintain a presence in each separate technology area. It also helps you answer such questions as 'how long does each organisation keep patents?', 'why are you keeping your patents until they're 20?', 'In comparison to your competitors, do you keep your assets alive for a longer or shorter time than they do?'.
Average Age of Granted Family, by Organisation & Technology
The above dataset shows the average age of the granted families in your report by organisation and technology. These figures are only visible when the organisations in your report have granted families in the given technology. If they don’t ‘n/a’ will be displayed. The average is calculated from each families priority date to the date of the report.
Average Time to Grant, by Organisation and Technology
The above dataset shows the average length of time it took for each family to be granted by organisation and technology. This is in years and is calculated from priority filing to date of grant.
This chart helps to answer the question 'how long on average, in years, does the family take to go from priority date to date of grant?'. How do you measure up against your competitors, in each technology area?. A long time to grant could suggest a patent is particularly strong for example, you're most focused on ensuring that the invention makes it to grant as it's vital for your business. In this regard, this chart provides a good sense check in each technology area whether it's worth your time and money to ensure these are granted.
Backward Citations by Organisation and Technology
The above dataset shows the sum total of all backward citations of portfolio(s), illustrating the influence and importance and to an extent, quality of families. The backward citation is a reference given in a patent on the prior art. Backward citations can be studied to get an idea about the origin of the technology and its flow over time.
Forward Citations by Organisation and Technology
The above dataset shows the sum total of all forward citations of portfolio(s), illustrating the influence and importance and to an extent, quality of families. The forward citation is a reference to the given patent by another patent. The greater numbers of forward citations indicate greater value.
If your focus is on patent and portfolio strength, you may wish to take a look at the PVIX metrics and datasets in Cipher.
Number of Granted Territories per Family, by Organisation
The above dataset shows the number of granted territories per family, by organisation. This is shown as a proportion of the entire portfolio on the Y axis. This chart shows whether each organisation’s portfolio consists predominantly of 2 grants per family, or 10 grants per family for example. By hovering over the data points in the chart you can review the percentage of families within each organisation's portfolio that have one grant per family, two grants per family etc. As with all Cipher charts, click into the datapoint to review the underlying patent families in this group.
Total Publication Count By Organisation
The dataset above shows the number of individual publications of any status in your report, split by organisation. You can use the filters in the top right of the report to select specific technologies to hone in on just those results per organisation.
This allows you to count individual publications rather than patent families. You can click through from the chart to review the family and publication lists for the selected organisation.
Total Publication Count By Technology
The dataset above shows the number of individual publications of any status in your report split by technology. Numbers are aggregated if multiple organisations are selected.
This allows you to count individual publications rather than patent families. You can click through from the chart to review the family and publication lists for the selected technology.
Families By CPC Code
The dataset above shows the number of patent families in your report by their CPC code. Numbers are aggregated if multiple organisations are selected.
This chart is useful if you want to understand the CPC's that make up the results of your classifier or clustered report. For multi technology reports (with either classifiers or clustering applied) you can filter to selected technologies and then review this chart. You can click into the CPC code results to review the data at patent family (invention) level.
Families, By Organisation, and CPC Code
The above dataset shows the numbers of patent families in your report split by organisation and CPC code. Cipher will show the top ten most commonly used CPC codes by default but this view can be expanded with the local filters to the top right of the chart.
Families, By Technology, and CPC Code
The above dataset shows the numbers of patent families in your report split by technology and CPC code. Cipher will show the top ten most commonly used CPC codes by default but this view can be expanded with the local filters to the top right of the chart. Here you can also expand the view of technologies.
Families By Primary CPC Code
The dataset above shows the number of patent families in your report by their primary CPC code. Numbers are aggregated if multiple organisations are selected.
This chart is useful if you want to understand the CPC's that make up the results of your classifier or clustered report. For multi technology reports (with either classifiers or clustering applied) you can filter to selected technologies and then review this chart. You can click into the CPC code results to review the data at patent family (invention) level.
Families, by Organisation and Primary CPC Code
The above dataset shows the numbers of patent families in your report split by organisation and primary CPC code. Cipher will show the top ten most commonly used primary CPC codes by default but this view can be expanded with the local filters to the top right of the chart.
Families, by Technology and Primary CPC Code
The above dataset shows the numbers of patent families in your report split by technology and primary CPC code. Cipher will show the top ten most commonly used primary CPC codes by default but this view can be expanded with the local filters to the top right of the chart. Here you can also expand the view of technologies.
Families by full Primary CPC Code
The dataset above shows the number of patent families in your report by their full Primary CPC code. Numbers are aggregated if multiple organisations are selected.
This chart is useful if you want that extra level of detail in understanding the full Primary CPC's that make up the results of your classifier or clustered report. For multi technology reports (with either classifiers or clustering applied) you can filter to selected technologies and then review this chart. You can click into the CPC code results in the chart to review the data at patent family (invention) level.
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