Defining a Cipher Family ID and converting patent numbers into a Cipher Family ID
What is a Cipher Family ID?
A Cipher Family ID is a reference given to a group of patent families.
How to convert patents numbers into Cipher family IDs
To convert patent numbers into Cipher family IDs:
1. Open a spreadsheet with the patent numbers in one column and copy the data onto the clipboard
2. Open Cipher, from your homepage, click 'Start'
3. Switch to 'patent upload'
4. Paste your patents into the text-box and click 'upload'. Cipher will confirm the patent numbers found in the database
5. Name the uploaded portfolio and 'Add' this into the report.
6. Click 'Next' and 'Run' the report
7. From the report output, select the Data: Patent families list view
8. Click 'Options' and download the data as Excel or .csv. Cipher will convert the patent numbers into Cipher Family IDs.
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