Geographic coverage of patent data in Cipher
Cipher uses a state of the art, high quality, consistent and comprehensive database provided by IFI CLAIMS. The global patent data covers many territories which are included below, along with the accepted territory codes of the platform. This list also includes International Bodies such as WIPO (The World Intellectual Property Organization) and EPO (European Patent Office) amongst others:
Accepted Territory Codes
Territory | Code | Territory | Code | Territory | Code |
Andorra | AD | Georgia | GE | Nicaragua | NI |
Albania | AL | Gibraltar | GI | Netherlands | NL |
Armenia | AM | Greenland | GL | Norway | NO |
African Regional IP Organization | AP | Greece | GR | New Zealand | NZ |
Argentina | AR | Guatemala | GT | African Intellectual Property Organization | OA |
Austria | AT | Hong Kong, SAR China | HK | Panama | PA |
Australia | AU | Honduras | HN | Peru | PE |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BA | Croatia | HR | Philippines | PH |
Belgium | BE | Hungary | HU | Poland | PL |
Bulgaria | BG | Indonesia | ID | Portugal | PT |
Brazil | BR | Ireland | IE | Romania | RO |
Benelux Office for IP | BX | Israel | IL | Serbia | RS |
Belarus | BY | India | IN | Russian Federation | RU |
Canada | CA | Iceland | IS | Saudi Arabia | SA |
Switzerland | CH | Italy | IT | Sweden | SE |
Chile | CL | Jordan | JO | Singapore | SG |
China | CN | Japan | JP | Slovenia | SI |
Colombia | CO | Kenya | KE | Slovakia | SK |
Costa Rica | CR | Kyrgyzstan | KG | San Marino | SM |
Serbia and Montenegro | CS | Cambodia | KH | Soviet Union | SU |
Cuba | CU | North Korea | KP | El Salvador | SV |
Cyprus | CY | South Korea | KR | Thailand | TH |
Czechia | CZ | Kazakhstan | KZ | Tajikistan | TJ |
East Germany | DD | Laos | LA | Tunisia | TN |
Germany | DE | Liechtenstein | LI | East Timor | TP |
Denmark | DK | Sri Lanka | LK | Turkey | TR |
Dominican Republic | DO | Lithuania | LT | Trinidad and Tobago | TT |
Algeria | DZ | Luxembourg | LU | Taiwan | TW |
Eurasian Patent Organization | EA | Latvia | LV | Ukraine | UA |
Ecuador | EC | Morocco | MA | United States Minor Outlying Islands | UM |
Estonia | EE | Monaco | MC | United States of America | US |
Union of Countries under the European Community Patent Convention | EP | Moldova | MD | Uruguay | UY |
Egypt | EG | Montenegro | ME | Uzbekistan | UZ |
European Union IP Office | EM | Macedonia | MK | Vatican | VA |
Spain | ES | Mongolia | MN | Viet Nam | VN |
Finland | FI | Macao, SAR China | MO | WIPO | WO |
France | FR | Malta | MT | Yugoslavia | YU |
Metropolitan France | FX | Malawi | MW | South Africa | ZA |
United Kingdom | GB | Mexico | MX | Zambia | ZM |
Gulf Cooperation Council | GC | Malaysia | MY | Zimbabwe | ZW |
International bodies
African Intellectual Property Organisation (OAPI)
African Regional IP Organisation (ARIPO)
Eurasian Patent Organisation (EAPO)
European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
Gulf Cooperation Council
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