General Structure of a Workbook
Copying Sheets, Search Queries, Search Fields and Widgets.
Restoring a Workbook and Workbook Content
General Structure of a Workbook
PatentSight allows you to organize, save, and share your searches and analyses in so-called workbooks. Each workbook can consist of one or more sheets. Each sheet can contain one or more charts, tables, comments, or other widgets. the search area, you can build a search query to obtain search results. You can apply the same search query to all sheets or use different search queries on different sheets.
This example shows the workbook "Licensing" that contains six sheets ("External vs Internal Technology Relevance," "Extended Patent Family Details", etc.,)
Use the search panel to define a search query and obtain search results for your analysis. | |
Use a widget (in this example a map chart) to visualize your search results. | |
Add another widget (in the example a table) to visualize your search results.
Analysis Templates
The “Analysis Templates” section offers a wide range of ready-to-use charts and tables sorted by widget types, groupings, and use cases.
Browse through the sections of the “Analysis Templates” to find a suitable template for your analysis.
Alternatively, you can enter a keyword to search for an analysis template. | |
Click on a template to add it to your sheet.
Note: You can select multiple analysis templates at once. Check the option “Create Multiple Sheets in Bulk,” select the templates you want to apply, and click on the “Add Selected Sheets” button. Each template will be added to your workbook on a separate sheet, in the order in which you have selected the templates.
After choosing a template, the chart or table will appear on your sheet.
Note: If you have not built a search query in the search panel yet, the chart or table will display sample data. Build a search query in the search panel and run the search. Once your search results have been retrieved, the widget will be filled with real data.
Using Sheets
The workbook concept allows you to organize an entire analysis on different sheets. You can click on the plus icon to add a new sheet to your workbook.
Note: When you add a new sheet, the search query and the search panel settings of the previous sheet will automatically be applied to the new sheet.
Copying Sheets, Search Queries, Search Fields and Widgets.
Copy and Paste Sheet(s)
Using your keyboard, you can copy and paste sheets. It is also possible to copy a sheet from one workbook into another.
Press “CTRL+C” to copy a sheet.
Press “CTRL+V” to paste the copied sheet.
Note: If you open different sheet and then press “CTRL+V,” the copied sheet will be pasted on the right side of the opened sheet. |
Copy and Paste Search Query
You can also copy and paste the complete search query (all search fields and Boolean operators) from one sheet to another.
Use the “Copy” icon to copy the entire search query.
Open another sheet and use the “Paste” icon to paste the copied search query into the search panel of the other sheet. |
Copy and Paste Search Fields
Of course, it is also possible to copy and paste single search fields from the search panel of one sheet into the search panel of another sheet (or the same sheet).
Select a search field by clicking on it. Press “CTRL+C” to copy the search field.
Open another sheet. | |
Press “CTRL+V” to paste the copied search field. |
Copy and Paste Widgets
Moreover, you can copy and paste widgets into the same sheet, into a different sheet, and even into a different workbook.
Open the sheet where you want to insert the copied widget and press “CTRL+V” to paste the widget. The copied widget will appear on the selected sheet.
Saving Your Workbook
You can save your entire workbook including all sheets and search queries.
Click on “Workbook” and select “Save As.”
Select the folder in which you want to save your workbook, e.g., your personal folder.
Name your workbook. | |
Optional: Access the “Sharing Setting” to share the workbook with other users in your account. | |
Optional: Add a description.
Press “CTRL+V” to paste the copied search field. |
Click on the “Confirm” button to save your workbook. |
Sharing Your Workbook
You can share workbooks with other users in your account and give them read, modify/write, or admin rights.
Access "Workbook" and select "Organize".
Select the workbook or another object you want to share and click on “Edit” or on the pencil icon displayed next to the object. | |
Access the “Sharing Setting” to share the workbook with another user in your account. | |
Choose the relevant sharing rights for the user.
Note: After you have shared a workbook with another user, you can send them the URL of the workbook. Using this link, they will be able to quickly access the workbook.
Restoring a Workbook and Workbook Content
Restoring a Complete Workbook
If you have accidentally closed your workbook without saving it, you can restore your last session the next time you sign into your PatentSight account and access the Custom Analysis. Click on “Restore Last Session” in the information popup that will appear in the bottom right corner.
Restoring Workbook Content
In the scope of your workflow, you might have deleted widgets or whole sheets from your workbook that you later want to restore. PatentSight saves up to ten deleted widgets or sheets. To restore such a sheet or widget, go to “Options,” access “Restore Workbook Content,” and click on the loop arrow displayed next to the deleted widget.
Restored sheets are shown as such