Where should I start my report in Cipher?
There are lots of different ways to begin your report in Cipher, and where you start depends on the problem you're trying to solve, or the question you're trying to answer. The main locations to start your report are the three report tiles at the top of your Cipher dashboard, when you first sign into Cipher:
Search Cipher Tile
This is your starting point if you want to generate a report of a selected organisation, search for a patent family, search your existing Cipher reports, search a technology to generate a landscape report from the UTT, or search a technology to look for similar patent families using the Tech Explorer tool. The Cipher Multi Search Tile also allows you to search different parts of Cipher at the same time, providing quick links to access other tools within Cipher such as Tech Explorer, Organisation Search, Boolean Search, and Patent Upload. Click here to find out more.
New Report Tile
Report Wizard
This is your starting point if you wish to be guided through the reporting process with our easy to use Report Wizard. The report wizard conveniently places reporting in one location from which you can then choose your reporting options. Report wizard also guides you through your options when compiling your data and classification. Whether you have a selected organisation or multiple owners in mind, a boolean search, custom portfolios or a patent upload as your starting point for your report, or even a global landscape report, these reports can all be created from the report wizard . To these portfolios, you can then apply classifiers to find patent families of particular technologies, or generate a clustered report to group similar patent families into technology clusters. Click here to learn more.
Custom Builder
The Custom builder reporting tool can also be used to generate reports for selected portfolios (selected orgs, multiple owners, patent upload, boolean search) and provides flexibility for advanced users to select additional reporting options such including:
- Including those patent families unrelated to the classifiers in a report,
- Classifier options such as mutually exclusive or overlapping classifier technologies
- and grouping by selected ownership levels (direct owner/top level owner).
Global Landscape report
This is your starting point if you wish to search the whole world of patents for owners in a particular technology area. This feature runs up to 15 classifiers against every patent family with a priority date since 1985 (roughly 45 million patent families) and so starts with the technology/business unit/product classifier and searches for all results globally. You do require at least one classifier in your account to have this tile and report type available to you. (Please note that this type of report can also be generated from the Report Wizard) Click here to find out more.
UTT Landscape report
This is your starting point if you wish to search the whole world of patents for owners in a particular technology area within the Cipher Universal Technology Taxonomy . This feature runs your chosen classifier against every patent family with a priority date since 1985 (roughly 45 million patent families) and so starts with the technology classifier and searches for all results globally. You do require a subscription to the UTT to have this tile and report type available to you. (Please note that this type of report can also be generated from the Report Wizard). Click here to find out more.
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