Search multiple parts of Cipher in one click from the multi-search tile, including Tech Explorer, our new similar family searching tool
What is the Search Cipher tile?
The 'Search Cipher' or multi-search tile gives you results from multiple parts of Cipher, as well as providing quick links to other tools within the platform. Simply start your search using the 'search cipher' tile from the Cipher home page (below). The search covers: organisations, patent families, your existing Cipher reports, technology search and searching for similar patent families via Cipher Tech Explorer.
Quick Links
Highlighted in red below the search box itself are four links to different parts of the Cipher platform, here is where they take you: Tech Explorer - allows you to explore the patent landscape starting with a technology name, patents or text to find patent families that are similar to your examples. Organisation Search - Organisation search within the Custom Builder; Cipher's advanced reporting option. Boolean Search - Boolean search within the Custom Builder. Patent Upload - Patent Upload within the Custom Builder.
How to run a search from the Search Cipher tile
- Start your search using the 'Search Cipher' functionality from the Cipher home page.
- Enter the term of interest and click search
- The results will populate (below) at which point you can select which relevant part of Cipher to use first
The different results categories perform different tasks (detailed below).
Selecting the relevant search option
Not all types of results will be present for all searches. Only where applicable:
By selecting one of the organisation results (e.g. Blockchain above), you will generate a report containing the company's entire patent portfolio. If you have access to the UTT (Cipher's Universal Technology Taxonomy) the portfolio will split into these classes. If not, the portfolio will be clustered. For any details about either method please contact the Cipher team.
Universal Technology Taxonomy
Clicking a UTT class under this header will generate a landscape report for that particular subclass. (e.g. Blockchain above). This will include every patent owner in this technology.
These results relate to your previously accessed or saved Cipher reports. The name of the report shown here will either be the default name for the report, or whatever you changed it to.
Tech Explorer - similar family searching
By inputting a technology name, patent number/s or piece of text relating to the technology to the Cipher tile, Cipher Tech Explorer will find similar families based on the inputted data. Tech Explorer allows you to explore the patent landscape for a technology, or look for patents that are similar to your examples. The technology blockchain is shown as an example here. The Tech Explorer feature will open when you click 'Blockchain' under similar families. You can then add other data to your search, or make your selections of relevant or irrelevant families to refine your search. More information can be found here:
Here are some other examples of data you can input to the 'Search Cipher' tile, to search for similar patent families:
Searching using text:
The Tech Explorer feature will open when you click the text in red under 'Similar families'. You can then add other data to your search, or make your selections of relevant or irrelevant families to refine your search.
Searching using patent numbers or patent family ID's:
The Tech Explorer feature will open when you click 'Show more results in Tech Explorer next to 'Similar families' highlighted in red. You can then add other data to your search, or make your selections of relevant or irrelevant families to refine your search.
The Cipher families listed under the 'Similar families' header shown in the image above, are in fact similar families to the patent number you entered, highlighted in grey. This allows you to quickly review the most similar families to the one you initially searched for via the 'open in' icon next to each one listed. This opens the family details in a separate tab. Select 'show more results' to expand your view of similar families.
Patent Numbers / Families
Type in a patent number to the 'Search Cipher' tile and Cipher will find the relevant family in Cipher, presenting the Cipher Family ID, shown highlighted in red. You can also search using the Cipher Family ID itself. Click on the Cipher Family ID to open the family in that window, or the 'open in' icon next to it, to open it in a new tab instead.
Handy Hint: You can also click 'Show more results in Tech Explorer' next to 'Similar families' to search for similar families to the one you entered, shown highlighted in grey above.
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