How to create a Cipher report from a patent upload
This feature allows you to upload a list of patents to a report, via a file upload or by pasting a list of patent numbers to Cipher. The video below shows you how to generate this type of report. More information can also be found in the article below:
You can upload data to create a Cipher report in the following ways:
Patent Upload:
Upload a list of patent numbers, in order to upload a custom portfolio to Cipher. You can then choose to classify or cluster these assets.
Custom Clustered Report:
Also known as the Three Column Upload Report. Upload a list of patent numbers and tag to your own technology cluster name, and portfolio/organisation name. It may be that you have an internal naming system for patents within your portfolio. Click here to learn more about the custom clustered report.
Patent Upload
Click on the 'New Report' tile
2. Select the Patent Upload tab
3. There are two options to upload a custom patent portfolio:
Paste a list of patent numbers or families into the box.
Choose a file by clicking on the file upload button. The file would follow a csv/excel format and contain enough information to identify patents and or families.
Upload your SPIF export.
Here are examples of the paste and upload scenarios:
Paste patent numbers or Cipher family IDs into the box
If you paste more than one patent per line, ensure that box circled above 'One patent per line' is unticked.
The 'Prefix patents with a country' option allows you to input the relevant country code to the uploaded patent numbers should you require this.
The 'Only: Publications or Applications' option allows you to specify what you're uploading (if you know) to save time in reviewing these options after should there be an application AND a publication option for an asset you've uploaded.
Then select 'Upload input text':
Or Upload patent numbers via a file upload
Click the 'Upload Excel or CSV' button. Please note that patent numbers would ideally exist individually in columns within the file, however Cipher will look at any cells in order to find matches to patent numbers e.g. if separated by spaces. Here are a couple of examples:
For a list of supported formats for patent upload, please click here.
For information relating to the SPIF export which can also be uploaded, please click here.
Handy Hint: There is also a link to the 'Supported Patents' help article, within the patent upload section of Cipher. This can be seen in the advisory note in the screenshot below - 'For details on the different formats accepted please see our 'help centre'.
Patent Upload - Reviewing matches and patent numbers that may require further attention
Once the patents have been uploaded to Cipher, the system will assign a 'result' to each patent before they can be added to the report. These are advisory notes so that you can see if the patent has been identified or not.
In the example listed above, the system has noted 217 as FOUND, 30 as AMBIGUOUS, and 3 as NOT FOUND. Lets explore what this means in more detail.
Found - The patent number in your list (source column) has been identified and will be added to the report. You can filter to these results in the 'Results drop down' filter, by selecting 'Something Found'.
Ambiguous - The patent number in your list (source column) has generated a result and the patent number listed in the 'matches' column will be added to the report. If you wish to review other suggestions made in relation to this patent, these can be found in the amber drop down list within the 'matches' column.
The suggestions could consist of:
Same country code and numbers as your entry, but different kind code e.g. A1, B2
Same numbers as your entry, but different country code
The uploaded patent has expired, and there is a patent with a different country code that is active
For patents with an 'Ambiguous' result, you are advised to review patent numbers in the 'matches' column against the patent number in the 'source' column. If these differ, review the options available in the 'matches' drop down column. This is the patent number that will be added to the report.
It may be that your uploaded patent has expired, and the suggestion is a number match that is active. This is just an example. The system will provide a match based on a number of criteria that we believe provides a more likely match that depends on assignees, citations, and the publication date of the patent to name a few.
Not found - The patent number in your list has not been found and requires further attention or amendments, otherwise this entry will not be added to the report, when 'add to report' is selected. (You can amend the source patent number using the pencil to the right of the item, in the source column. If it is then recognised, the system will either assign a result of 'found' or 'ambiguous' to the line item.)
In the drop down menu 'Results', patents identified as 'not found' can be filtered to show whether the status is 'unrecognised format' or 'unknown number'.
'Unrecognised format' means that the number is not recognised as a patent. More information on supported patent examples can be found here.
'Unknown number' means that the system recognises the format however it cannot be found in the system. This could be that the patent is not in the public domain as yet.
Handy Hints:
Use the filters to sort results e.g. if you want to ignore/review all patents of a certain result
Look out for patents matched to "surprising" organisations, as this is a clear sign of a number error e.g. expecting patents for Apple, but seeing patents for Merck, is typically a number error.
Exporting your Changes
Once you have reviewed the results of your patents, you can export the list view to CSV very simply, should you wish to keep a record of any amendments you have made using Cipher.
Generating your Report
In order to add your list of patents to your report, you must select 'Add to report'. This can be found at the top of your list of results.
The system will name this as per the date of the upload by default. You can amend the name of the 'Custom upload' via the field shown below.
If there are any patents that you would like to omit from your report, you can select 'ignore'.
For any patents listed as 'Ambiguous', the patent stated in the 'matches' column will be added to the report unless you select to 'ignore'.
Any patents listed as 'Not Found', are marked as 'ignored' by default and will not be added to the report.
Once you select 'Add to report', you can generate the report with just the list of selected patents, or you can add additional criteria to the report. Cipher will automatically recommend organisations with a similar portfolio to the custom patent upload based on citations, or perhaps you'd like compare to a specific organisation's portfolio of your choice. Alternatively you may wish to add one or more classifier technology filters to filter the custom patent upload, to see the technology areas that the custom upload maps to:
Please do contact the support team should you wish to organise a training session on the Patent Upload section of Cipher.