What it is and how we determine the representative publication of a patent family
What is the Representative Publication and where can I find it in Cipher?
The purpose of the representative publication is to provide the publication of a patent family that we believe best represents a family. It can be found in the families view in Cipher, next to each patent family. To see it in the data, it must be selected in the 'columns' drop down shown here:
The representative publication has the most detail or relevant information compared to other publications within the family. The goal is to provide you, the client, the best overall view of a family.
How do we decide on the Representative Publication of a patent family?
The publications that form a patent family are sorted and ranked under the following conditions:
Priority Date
Has Title
Has Abstract
Publication Language
Publication Title Language
Publication Abstract Language
Has Grant
Publication Country
Patent Title Length
Patent Abstract Length
The publication with the top rank becomes the Representative Publication of the patent family.
Here's a bit more detail:
'Priority Date' is sorted based on it being present in the publication, not on the actual date itself. 'Has Title' and 'Has Abstract' are also based on them being present in the publication.
'Publication language', 'Publication Title Language' and 'Publication Abstract Language' is ordered by preferred language with English being the most preferred followed by French, German, Spanish and then Italian.
Grant is preferred over Application.
'Publication Country' is ordered by most preferred country with "US" as the most preferred then “EP” and then “WO”.
Within 'Patent Title Length' and 'Patent Abstract Length', longer titles and abstracts are preferred.