Subscribe to receive totally customisable alerts, directly to your mail box at a frequency set by you
What are Classification Alerts?
The Classification platform's alerting functionality makes it simple to set up fully customisable alerts tied to your reports allowing you to track anything from competitor filings in chosen technologies, to wider changes in the global landscape. You can choose the frequency of these alerts, and precisely what you would like to track whether it be new families, new filings, changes in status or even changes in the quality of these assets (via the PVIX score). You can also limit the geographies you are interested in monitoring.
All main report types (apart from UTT Landscapes) can be turned into an email alert, allowing you to use Global Landscapes to stay up to date with all new filings in your classifier technology areas. Alternatively, you can be more specific and link alerts to your New Reports, allowing you to move beyond your classifiers and track entire company portfolios, or even new filings within specific families in a competitor's portfolio.
The input, or combination of inputs you use in your report, will be replicated for future alerts linked to that report. This includes families added via an organisation search, boolean search, or patent upload.
Important considerations when setting up your alerts
It is important to make sure that the report you run captures what you want to see in your alert. For example, if you choose to run a classifier report over a set of competitors, decisions such as whether you include the unrelated patents to your classifiers, or overlapping vs. mutually exclusive mode, will be reflected in your future alerts.
You can setup as many report alerts as you like whether that's multiple linked to one report, or to many reports. You may choose to create separate, clearly labelled alerts tackling the data in a different way.
Creating Your Alert
When you have created the report you want to be alerted on, click the alert icon in the top right hand corner of your report:
This will take you directly to the Create an alert export report where you'll be able to customise what you want to be alerted on. (You can also access this page from your list of export reports - icon shown below):
Setting Your Alert Parameters
Clicking into create an alert will open up a set of options allowing you to control precisely what your email alert contains and how frequently you’ll receive these alerts:
Alert Name:
Clearly label your alert with what you are tracking. This label will be present in the actual email alert you receive as well as in your history, where you’re able to edit your alerts. As mentioned previously, make sure your alert is clearly labelled so that you know what it is, especially if setting up multiple.
Alert Type:
Here you have four options:
New patent families to include brand new families in your alert
Within this option, you can then see the option on the right to see 'Newly published families' to your report. This option is for when you only want to know about brand new families that have been added to the platform in the past week/ month etc.
- The second option here 'All new families in the report' means that if you're in the process of building a classifier for example, you may want to see any new positive patent families that weren't positive before in that technology. Alternatively, if you're monitoring an organisation (or group of orgs) you may want to know about older families that are newly assigned to that organisation, as well as any brand new families to their portfolio. If the date range setting was applied here, you wouldn't be alerted to these families that have moved from one organisation to another.
New patent filings to also include new individual applications
Here you can simply decide whether you would like to receive new applications, or new grants, or both, within your alert. Territories will be included by default here to show you where new applications or grants have been made.
Family status to monitor grants
Here you can simply decide whether you would like to receive updates on family status for newly pending families, newly granted families, newly expired families, or a combination of these, within your alert.
Handy Hint: Alternatively, you could setup separate alerts for these options i.e. a new alert for newly expired, and a separate alert for newly granted within a dataset.
PVIX increases to track the improving (or decreasing) quality within your report.
Here you're able to alert on families whose PVIX score has increased above a particular threshold for the first time during the alert reporting period.
Here you have the option to include or exclude territories to your alert results, and it works exactly the same way as in your report. It is important to note that if you have used any territory filters within your report, you will still need to apply them at this stage to affect your alert.
Alert Frequency:
Here you have 4 options, weekly, bi-weekly (every two weeks), monthly or quarterly.
First Alert:
Pick the date you want to receive your first alert. The frequency you have selected will run from this date. It is important to note that if your first alert is sooner than the full time period you chose, your first alert will be partially incomplete e.g. if I set up a monthly alert on the 15th of the month to be received on the 1st of the month, my first alert will only capture 15th-1st but then I will receive the full month from then on.
Your Email Alert & Report
Your alert is received in the form of an email link on your chosen day. It will tell you the number of families captured and the red hyperlink will take you straight through to your report:
The landing page to your report is slightly different to when you load a typical report, in that we have selected a group of charts to guide you through some of the most interesting aspects of new families. The report link will take you straight to these (as shown below). If you are looking for a specific chart that is not shown in this selection, you can navigate to all charts using the red tile icon towards the top left of the report.
Equally if you simply want to look at or export the list of families you can head straight to the List View.
You will also see that the report is clearly labelled with your alert name as well as the specific time period captured.
Alert Filter & example Alert types
For some Alert Types, the organisation filter (when viewing the alerting report) is optimised to allow you to filter to the granularity you need. For example if you set up an alert for Patent Filings or Family Status, then the updates are more granular, and we show them by splitting them up into 'faux' portfolios. eg your new filings alert for Intel might contain portfolios for 'Intel: new US grants' and 'Intel: new EP applications'.
Likewise, if you setup a 'Family Status' alert with multiple choices, i.e. newly pending and newly granted, these would be split out for you in the organisation filter.
Another example: if you chose to track New patent filings across a list of competitors, your organisation filter won’t just show the competitors, but also the various jurisdictions where they have new applications and new grants:
In some instances (such as landscape alerts) where you have many organisations in the alerting report, the platform will show the geographic split via the technologies tab rather than the Organisation tab to ensure you can filter to both in the alerting report. Here is a screenshot of this:
Managing your alerts
You are able to access and edit your library of alerts at any point. Navigate to the alerts tile on your homepage and select Edit Subscriptions:
Alert name: Use the pencil icon to change your alert name.
Edit: Use the cog to reconfigure your alert parameters. You can also use this icon to setup a new alert within the same report by clicking 'create new alert' after editing the report parameters here.
Alert Frequency: Use the dropdown to easily adjust frequency.
Original Report: Use the link the access the original report.
Next alert due: Manually change the due date for the next alert.