
  • Rename your report
    When you create a report, the platform will automatically give it a name. If you want to change the name and use a more relevant one or one that follows your internal naming protocol, there are two main ways to do that.​ From Inside A Report Select the pencil icon in the top right of your report dashboard The 'Rename report' window will appear, and simple type in your new name and select 'sav...
  • Editing your report
    How to edit the parameters of your report, the report name or take a subset of data into a new report Edit the Parameters of your report Here is a video covering editing the parameters of your report, or run a new report with the same report options for example, the same organisations or the same classifiers:   Handy Hint: Please note that Global landscape reports do not have this 'edit ' ...
  • Report History and editing an existing report
    How to access the Report History library and copy the report parameters   Once you create a report, this will automatically go into your Report History library. If your report has not finished building, this is where you will be able to monitor its status and access it once completed. There is no limit to the number of reports you have in your Report History, but please note that any unsaved re...
  • Saving and Tagging Your Report
    How to save and tag your reports to easily manage your projects Once you create a report, it will automatically sit in your Report History. Any unsaved reports expire after six months of inactivity (no views). This article guides you through the steps to save reports and tag them, so that you can easily navigate, manage and filter the reports in your report history.   Save your report If you wi...
  • Report filtering options
    Options to filter your report by organisation, technology, territory & time   The short video below explains how to filter your report using the options in the top right of your report dashboard. These options filter the results or your report and include filtering to selected: Organisations Technologies Territories (where does the patent family have a filing) Time Period   ...
  • Chart filtering options
    Filter your charts to your selected tagged metrics for example, geography combined with cost   The short video below explains how to filter the charts of your report using tags shown at the top. You may wish to only look at charts with a focus on granted families for example, or those with a geographical focus. Similarly, you may wish to look at charts focusing on individual patent count rather...
  • How to see Recent Reports
    There are a number of ways to view and use your Recent Reports: In the Recent History tile In the Report History   The Recent History Tile The Recent History tile will always show you the last five reports you have created. This list is hyperlinked and by clicking on a report name you can access it. You also have the option to click on “see more” and you will be redirected to the full Re...
  • Saved Chart Sets
    How to customise your view, and create a saved chart set for any report   What are Saved Chart Sets? Do you have particular 'go-to' charts when looking at your report results? Do you wish that you could easily access these charts every time? Then look no further.   You can create your own set of favourite charts to revisit in every report, or even create a custom chart set for a particular pr...
  • Customisable Alerts linked to your reports
    Subscribe to receive totally customisable alerts, directly to your mail box at a frequency set by you   What are Classification Alerts? The Classification platform's alerting functionality makes it simple to set up fully customisable alerts tied to your reports allowing you to track anything from competitor filings in chosen technologies, to wider changes in the global landscape. You can choose...
  • Weekly Classifier Alerts
    Subscribe to receive regular alerts on patent families with new publications, new applications, new grants and other useful updates What are Weekly Classifier Alerts? Weekly classifier alerts show you new families, applications and grants in your chosen classifiers every Monday morning. (If preferred, click here to create a custom alert based on your report parameters, using the new customisa...
  • How to create a Clustered report
    How to create a clustered report of selected organisations or portfolios   What is Clustering? A technology cluster refers to a grouping of patent families relating to the same technical area. The clustering tool groups patent families with similar characteristics into technology clusters, and will do so based on the patent families that have been included in your report. All families included ...
  • What is the Unrelated Cluster?
    An ‘unrelated’ cluster will appear when not all portfolios have been clustered. The 'unrelated' cluster will show the number of patent families that do not fit into any of the technology clusters in the report. For example, if the platform clustered company X and you are benchmarking company Y and Z, the unrelated cluster shows the number of patent families in Y and Z's portfolio that don’t cro...
  • Exploring the Unrelated Cluster
    How to analyse the Unrelated part of a portfolio   An ‘Unrelated’ cluster will appear when not all portfolios have been clustered and will show the number of patent families that do not fit into any of the technology clusters in the report. As an example, if the platform clusters company X and you are benchmarking company Y and Z, the cluster called 'unrelated' shows the number of patent famili...
  • What is the Miscellaneous Cluster?
    What is included in the miscellaneous cluster and how do I see the clusters grouped within this? The platform will present a maximum of sixteen technology clusters. If a group of patent families creates more than sixteen clusters, the clustering tool will group the remaining families into ‘miscellaneous’.   How can I see the technology clusters that are are included under 'Miscellaneous'? Afte...
  • Exploring the Miscellaneous Cluster
    How to unpack the Miscellaneous cluster   The platform will present a maximum of sixteen technology clusters. If a group of patent families creates more than sixteen clusters, the clustering tool will group the remaining families into ‘miscellaneous’. If relevant to your reporting, this miscellaneous cluster can then be broken down into further clusters for your analysis.   There is an easy way...
  • Separate a technology cluster
    Break down a cluster into sub-clusters The clustering mechanism within the Classification platform will break down portfolio(s) into technology clusters. You can then analyse a specific cluster in more detail by breaking it down into what we call 'sub-clusters'.   1. From your report, filter your results. Select the portfolio of interest and the technology you want to separate   2. Go to the D...
  • How to Cluster to a target portfolio
    How to create a clustered report of a selected organisation, and see how other portfolios read onto that   Clustering to a target portfolio A technology cluster refers to a grouping of patent families relating to the same technical area. The platform groups patent families with similar characteristics into technology clusters, and will do so based on the patent families that have been included ...
  • What is the Boolean Search tool and how do I use it?
    Boolean Search and Boolean Operators   What is a Boolean Search? A boolean search is a tool which can be found in the Classification platform, that uses keywords and boolean operators to enter a search query, which then returns a number of patent families based on your inputted text. It can be accessed via the New Report tile in the top left of the your home page, from the Search Cipher tile a...
  • Supported fields and queries for boolean searching
    Advanced search guide with example queries   The advanced search guide can be found HERE and also from within the platform where you can perform a boolean search. Wherever you begin your boolean search, you may find the Advanced search guide useful.   The advanced boolean search guide can be found via the 'see guide' link when starting a new report whether that's from the report wizard or custo...
  • Advanced Report Options
    The unrelated, group by owner and multiple classifier report options and more   Please note that these options apply to reports generated from the 'Custom Builder':   Classifier report options Including those patent families unrelated to the classifiers If you've applied a classifier/s, to a report in the custom builder, you'll be asked what you'd like to do with the unclassified families (opt...
  • Allow Overlapping Technologies
    Decide whether to group into mutually exclusive technologies or allow overlapping technologies   When creating a report and applying more than one technology classifier, you will be presented with the following 'Technology settings' on report creation. When we consider a report applying classifiers to any set of patents, every patent will receive a score for each classifier between 0 and 1. Re...
  • Cipher families view and export
    How to access all of the data of your report, and how to export it What is the families list view? This is a list of all of the patent families in your report giving you access to detailed information such as priority date, granted date, territory and status, expiry date, CPC codes, future cost projection to name a few. It presents the information in a table format and is fully customisable all...
  • How to interpret the Families View
    How to interpret the data contained within the detailed families view of your report   How do I access the underlying data of my report, also known as the Families View? The families view is accessed via the three line icon in the top left of your report view. It provides a list of all of the patent families in your report giving you access to detailed information. In this article we will look...
  • Filtering the data view within your report
    Apply filters in your report to narrow your results using the Patent Families List   Cipher's Patent Families list includes details of the underlying patent data in your report 1. Clicking on the 'Patent Families List' icon in the top left of your report reveals ALL the patent data in your report whether granted, pending, inactive or expired for example. Please note that any selections made f...
  • Representative Publication
    What it is and how we determine the representative publication of a patent family   What is the Representative Publication and where can I find it in Cipher? The purpose of the representative publication is to provide the publication of a patent family that we believe best represents a family. It can be found in the families view in Cipher, next to each patent family. To see it in the data, ...
  • Patent Family Tagging
    What is Patent Family Tagging? Different types of tagging available and use cases How to create and apply tags Tagging rights in your Organisation Filtering by tags Exporting tagged assets     What is Patent Family Tagging? Tagging allows you to assign pre-determined values or ‘tags’ to patent families or groups of patent families for either your own or for colleagues reference. It allows you...
  • Similar Family Searching
    How to find similar patent families   What Is Similar Family Searching? Whilst looking at a patent family in Cipher, the similar family search allows you to generate a list of similar patent families in just one click. This can support a range of workflows within Cipher, but primarily it allows you to expand the analysis of relevant patent families. You can also generate the searches using mult...
  • Taking a subset of data into a new report
    How to create a new report from filtered data After generating any report, you can filter the data, extract useful information and then use it to create a new report. This is fast, efficient and intuitive. This article explains how to take data from one report into a new report. But why would you do this? to cluster the results of a classifier report (whether selected companies and classifie...
  • Organisation Sets
    What is an organisation set and why should I use them?   Organisation Sets are a list of organisations that allow you to instantly populate a set of organisations to a report. Some of these are pre-populated by the internal solutions team, and you also have the flexibility to create your own custom organisation sets. Read on to learn more.   Organisation Set Types Some of these organisation s...
  • Combining Report Options
    Combining report options such as a patent upload with a search for similar organisations   This article explains how to combine report options. But why would you do this? You may wish to carry out a patent upload, and then search for organisations with similar assets to the patent upload. Here's a short video explaining how to do this: You may wish to combine a multiple organisation se...