The ability to apply robust filters to large sets of prosecution specific information provides PatentAdvisor users the capability to easily drill into an increased level of granularity.
Dig Deeper Into Your Analytics With Filters
The ability to apply robust filters to large sets of prosecution specific information provides PatentAdvisor users the capability to easily drill into an increased level of granularity.
To open the Filter pane, simply click on the “Filters” button. This button is present on any Dashboard and Visual Exploration page, as well as the File Wrappers results page.
Basic Application Date:
- Filing date range
- Disposition date range
- Art Unit
- Technology Center
- Top Art Units: ALL, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100
- Application Type
- Application Type (Continuity)
- Designs: included, excluded, only designs
- Examiner
- Customer Number
- Top Examiners: ALL, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100
- Assignees citizenship
Prosecution Events:
- Number of RCEs filed
- Number of office actions
- Application Status
- Special handling
- Number of office actions over average
- Rejection type
- Significant activity timeline
Examiner Statistics:
- Examiner Allowance Rate
- Examiner Experience
- Examiner Primary Status
Filter Options:
- Allows for saving a preset group of filters. To save a new filter preset, select your filters and click the + sign under Filter Options. Name your preset and click the checkbox to save it.
You can also create filters by importing Metadata.
To keep your filter sidebar open, click the checkbox beside "Filters in Sidebar." To remove all filters, click "Reset Filters" at the bottom of the filter sidebar. To apply selected filters, click "Filter."
Use Case Example for Applying Filters:
What are the prosecution tendencies for a specific Art Unit or Examiner in a given time frame?
Many Examiners have enjoyed a long career at the USPTO and most Art Units have been active since before the inception of the PAIR system. However, due to changes in personnel and policy at the USPTO, as well as changes in relevant case law, prosecution procedures may change over time. In some situations, overall statistics for an Art Unit or Examiner can appear misleading. Being able to apply a time-based filter in these situations provides a much more relevant view.
One prominent example where case law changed prosecution patterns was the Alice case, decided in June of 2014. Using PatentAdvisor’s “Significant Activity” filter, you can limit any statistics to those cases which have had significant activity after Alice was decided.
For example, here is an unfiltered view of Art Unit 3683:
Here is Art Unit 3683 with the Significant Activity date filter applied (July 2014 - Present):
Applying filters such as Significant Activity dates will allow you to analyze trends in prosecution at a more granular level.