The LexisNexis PatentAdvisor® patent prosecution platform makes it easy for patent professionals to build collections of USPTO patent applications in digital “briefcases” using patent data straight from the USPTO database.
Create a briefcase in PatentAdvisor in order to apply the full power of analytics to your portfolio.
Have ready a spreadsheet of your patent portfolio. It should contain all your applications, plus any additional information that would be relevant.
Additional information might include Law Firm, Attorney Name/Initials, Line of Business/Category, Case Number, Case type etc. The only required information is a column for the Application Numbers. (See the document “Greater Portfolio Insight with Metadata” for uploading this information.)
3. Next, name and save your briefcase
4. When the briefcase menu pops up, click on the "Applications" icon
6. Under "Step2," select "Application" under the first drop down and "Add Applications" in the second drop down then click proceed.